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Incontinence — There Are Solutions

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

Are you tired of worrying every time you laugh, sneeze, or cough because you might have urinary leakage or a full-on accident? Incontinence affects many women, and there are numerous reasons for why the problem occurs. 


Women’s urethras are much shorter than men’s, so anatomy accounts for some of it, but milestones that happen only in women’s lives — such as pregnancy and childbirth — as well as simply being 65 or older  also contribute. 


Dr. Keven Hooker of Lake Havasu OB/GYN Care has years of valuable experience treating incontinence in women of all ages. 


Because his treatment philosophy centers on getting to know every patient individually, Dr. Hooker takes the time to learn about your family and recent medical history, and uses advanced testing tools to design a treatment plan especially for you. 

Several types of urinary incontinence


More than one kind of incontinence exists:



Stress incontinece occurs when your pelvic floor muscles and tissues are weakened by conditions that stretch them, like pregnancy or simply being overweight or obese. This type of incontinence can be especially embarrassing as it happens when you cough, sneeze, or laugh.


Also called overactive bladder, urge incontinence causes you to leak urine before you make it to the bathroom. Weakened bladder muscles and aging are culprits, as well as chronic conditions like diabetes and problems like bladder infections.


Overflow incontinence puts you at risk for potentially serious bladder infections. It’s characterized by an inability to fully empty your bladder and results in urine dribbling out of your body. Compromised bladder muscles, nerve damage, and some medications lead to this problem.


You may suffer with just one type of incontinence, or you can suffer with two types simultaneously. This phenomenon is called mixed urinary incontinence. 

Effects of incontinence are more than just physical


You experience a good deal of anticipatory anxiety when you struggle with incontinence, because you’re constantly worrying when the next episode will occur and where you will be when it happens.


Dr. Hooker meets with many patients who curtail their social lives and outings because they fear an embarrassing leakage episode. The Lake Havasu OB/GYN Care Team is dedicated to eliminating this life limitation and reducing your incontinence-related unease. 

What can be done about incontinence?


Dr. Hooker determines what type or types of incontinence you’re struggling with first, and this informs his treatment plan. He may prescribe:



It’s evident that Dr. Hooker’s approach to your care is the farthest thing from one-size-fits-all, and that’s reassuring when you’re dealing with an intimate challenge like incontinence. 


What’s more, he’s someone you can be straight with about the problem from the get-go — he has the ideal blend of knowledge, technical ability, and sensitivity to tackle your incontinence.

Pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence


Of special concern is a condition that Dr. Hooker treats known as pelvic organ prolapse. Your pelvic organs, which include the uterus, cervix, and bladder, are protectively surrounded by pelvic muscles and tissues. A prolapse occurs when these muscles and tissues can’t support your organs anymore due to weakness or injury. 


Childbirth, having a large baby, menopause-related hormonal shifts, and being 60 and older put you at increased risk for prolapse. 


Dr. Hooker uses nonsurgical and surgical means to treat prolapse and alleviate your incontinence. Nonsurgical options can include those mentioned above, while vaginal and laparoscopic abdominal surgical options represent several types of reconstructive surgery that relocate your fallen bladder to its correct location and restore your pelvic floor. 

You deserve comfort and ease

However Dr. Hooker  treats your incontinence problem, he creates a treatment plan based on your lifestyle, with the ultimate goal of freeing you from the discomfort and aggravating unpredictability of this life-altering problem. Call our office or simply book an appointment online.

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