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6 Tips to Prevent Having a High-Risk Pregnancy

tips, pregnancy

When you have a high-risk pregnancy, it means there are dangers associated with it that could affect you or your baby. Some conditions can make your pregnancy a higher risk before you even conceive, like being over 35, having an existing medical condition or breathing problem, or a history of abdominal surgeries or pregnancy complications. If you’re pregnant with multiple babies or a fetus with congenital abnormalities, your pregnancy is also automatically classified as high-risk.

You can also have a pregnancy that starts out healthy, but becomes high-risk over time. At Lake Havasu OB/GYN Care, Dr. Kevin Hooker provides personalized obstetrician-gynecological care for women in Arizona to help them take the right steps to have the healthiest pregnancy possible. And, if you’re in the Lake Havasu City area, Dr. Hooker also has advanced OB/GYN training to help manage high-risk pregnancies.

To promote a healthy pregnancy, Dr. Hooker recommends taking the following steps.

1. Don’t wait to schedule an OBGYN appointment.

It’s never too early to talk with Dr. Hooker about conceiving. When you schedule an appointment before becoming pregnant, Dr. Hooker can evaluate your overall health, make recommendations about prenatal vitamins, and help identify any issues that could lead to a high-risk pregnancy.

2. Make sure you’re in optimal health.

Pregnancy puts stress on your body. So, if you have a pre-existing condition, it’s important to make sure they’re under control before you conceive. To help control your medical issues, Dr. Hooker can make recommendations that include medication management or lifestyle modifications, like dietary changes, starting a regular exercise program, or reducing your overall stress levels.

3. Don’t underestimate the importance of prenatal care.

Once you’re pregnant, Dr. Hooker relies on prenatal care appointments to monitor the health of you and your baby. Regular prenatal care allows him to watch for abnormal fetal development, monitor your health for any issues, and look for signs of concern before they become a serious issue.

4. Follow a healthy diet.

To support a healthy pregnancy and growing baby, you have to follow a healthy diet that includes extra protein, calcium, iron, and folic acid. This often includes eating a variety of foods throughout each day, like plenty of fruits, vegetables, breads, grains, and lean proteins. Dr. Hooker can work closely with you to make sure your dietary needs are clear and often recommends a daily prenatal vitamin for additional nutritional support.

5. Watch your weight gain.

When you’re pregnant, it’s normal to gain weight. But to make sure these extra pounds are beneficial for you and your baby’s health, you should make sure you only gain the optimal amount of weight while you’re pregnant, so it will be easier to lose the excess weight after you deliver. During your prenatal appointments, Dr. Hooker monitors your pregnancy closely to make sure you’re gaining the right amount of weight based on your individual needs.

6. Avoid dangerous substances.

To have the healthiest pregnancy possible, you have to avoid any substances that put your baby at risk. That means that you should quit smoking and avoid alcohol and illegal drugs. Additionally, you should discuss with Dr. Hooker any medications or supplements that you’re currently taking to make sure they’re safe to consume while pregnant.

If you’re pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant, we can help reduce your chances of having high-risk pregnancy. Call Lake Havasu OB/GYN Care, or schedule an appointment online today.

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