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5 Tips for Easing Menopause

Most women feel a mix of emotions with the onset of menopause — wistfulness at leaving their childbearing years behind, but relief at saying goodbye to cramps, PMS, and other period-related discomforts. 

As with most things in life, it’s a tradeoff. During “the change,” you swap out one set of symptoms for another.

Dr. Kevin Hooker cares for women of all ages and through all life transitions, including pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. He not only offers the most advanced treatments for a multitude of gynecologic issues, as well as expert obstetric care, he does so with heart. Both are needed to provide extraordinary care. 

The challenging symptoms menopause brings

You’re technically considered to be menopausal if you haven’t had a period for an entire year, but the symptoms are diverse and affect every woman differently:

Your only choice shouldn’t be simply waiting or hoping for menopausal symptoms to abate. You can take matters into your own hands in order to relieve some of these symptoms. Seeking help from Dr. Hooker, who is happy to discuss ways to relieve your symptoms, is also important. 

Advice for menopausal symptom relief

There are things you can do to lessen or even eliminate your menopause symptoms yourself, and they’re easy to incorporate into your life:

  1.  Induce sleep naturally

Since menopause often disrupts peaceful sleep, do all you can to support it. This includes adopting good-for-you habits like exercising each day — anything from a brisk walk to a dance session while cooking can do the trick and help your body and mind feel tired when it’s time to rest.  

Make your bedroom a soothing sanctuary by keeping tech gadgets out and bringing relaxing elements in, like super soft linens and a drop or two of lavender essential oil in your diffuser.

  2.  Every mood under the sun

If you feel like your mood swings in menopause are similar to those in adolescence or  certain times when you still had periods, it’s because there are similar significant hormonal shifts happening. 

It can be exhausting to keep up with mood ups and downs, but if you find yourself feeling persistently depressed, unmotivated, or sluggish, seeking the help of a mental health counselor may be help. Therapy alone or in conjunction with using an antidepressant can turn things around.

  3.  She’s hot and cold

It’s not just distracting, but sometimes embarrassing to feel like you’re freezing one minute and burning up the next. Hot flashes can come on fast and strong. You might feel perfectly normal, but in a matter of seconds turn bright red and feel beads of sweat forming.

You can alleviate hot flashes by dressing in layers, and staying hydrated by keeping water nearby, rather than a glass of wine or cup of coffee. 

If you also experience night sweats, opt for natural fiber breathable nightwear, keep a window open or fan on in your bedroom, and ditch the flannel sheets and heavy blankets.

  4.  Less luxurious manes

The hormonal changes of menopause can also stimulate hair loss that manifests mostly as allover hair thinning. This is obviously something no woman wants. Lowered estrogen and progesterone and a surplus of male hormones called androgens are the culprits.

Eating a balanced diet filled with fruits and veggies, whole grains, and healthy oils like avocado and olive oil, and being extra gentle with your hair can help prevent some loss. This means eschewing tools like hot curling irons and flatirons, brushing gently, and air drying your hair instead of using powerful blow dryers. 

  5.  Dryness down there

If you’re challenged by vaginal dryness, it’s because lowered estrogen thins out your vaginal tissues. If dryness is a problem, that makes sex with your partner more challenging. 

This condition is also known as vaginal atrophy, and Dr. Hooker offers an effective treatment for it called MonaLisa Touch. This treatment fuels cell growth by directing  heat to your vaginal tissue via a small, comfortable handheld device. Your vaginal wall becomes thicker and stronger and lubrication occurs more easily. 

Dr. Hooker received special training in providing this treatment and is the only OB/GYN in the area offering MonaLisa Touch. You can leave the office right after treatment, but hold off on sex for five days. Each treatment lasts only five minutes and the standard course is three treatments over a few months.

Call our office to learn more about MonaLisa Touch and to talk to Dr. Hooker about getting your menopausal symptoms under control, or book an appointment online

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